Wednesday, October 31, 2012

America Recycles Day
Hello From the One Earth SPC Green Club!
It is almost November and we have  a lot of reminders for you!  Please excuse this interruption.

November is the month of America Recycles Day!  Let’s do our BEST effort with recycling as well as packing waste free.  REMEMBER:  WASTE FREE WEDNESDAY!  Please get those containers out as a reminder to take care while packing your lunches!

On America Recycles Day we will be having an EXTRA WASTE FREE DAY.  IT IS A THURSDAY!  November 15th.  Please mark your calendars and check the website Thursday mailings to make sure you pack waste free to honor this day.  WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY TRASH ON NOVEMBER 15th DURING LUNCH.  You are asked to bring a waste free lunch with any recyclables.  Any trash will be sent back home.  WATCH THE CALENDAR!

We are collecting $1 til November 15th to help purchase a recycling receptacle for outside the EGC.  Please be a good steward and bring a dollar to help our campus continue to answer the call to care for CREATION.  More info is in the Thursday Mailing.

Lastly, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7th is a very important GREEN CLUB MEEETING.  Please make sure past and present members plan to attend during lunch and recess as we will be handing out permission forms for a few activities.  This may be the only way to get your permission form!  Events are coming up FAST!  The Trashy Fashion Show and a Recycling Plant are two of our next events.

America Recycles Day

Friday, October 19, 2012


You may have seen a scientific study being conducted around our campus in October at dismissal.  It was very eye opening!  One Earth Green Club students are collecting data three times this year in order to report findings on idling at pickup and increase awareness of our school's No Idling Campaign.  The main objective is to create a positive atmosphere while adding scientific facts about a very common problem in our society.  The info below is inspiring and is being posted as a reminder that efforts placed this year are meant to create a healthier environment for our children and our future.  This is not a lesson in becoming a judge of others or meant to criticize our community.  This is a lesson in taking care of our planet and changing habits one day at a time!

We have posted this information before, but it is very worthy of an extra click these days as we will start to feel the cooler temperatures and chill in the air!  This is the truth about idling.  This is why we hold on to our mission and find various ways to improve our sustainability efforts on campus.

NO IDLING CAR MAGNETS ARE AVAILABLE!  Please consider adding your support to our effort and become a leader on our campus.  We need all the clean air we can get!  See Amy Bartucci for further info or email

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

hi one earth club & friends!
this is a great outing for us all to enjoy.  we will pass out permission forms at our next meeting on 11/7.  if you need a ride, we will have a place on the form to indicate that - so don't worry!
just please keep the date open if you're interested in seeing some awesome trashy fashions and getting inspired by super eco-conscious people.
***we will be wearing our OWN fashions to the event!***
 please make sure you have purchased a 
SPC One Earth T Shirt (any of the 3 styles works!) so that we can take our annual group photo at the show.
contact amy bartucci for sizes and styles.
t shirts are $14
Get Your Green On!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We had an exciting and thoughtful discussion today at Green Club. Thanks to all who packed waste free!

We tried but failed to watch a super cool video recently given to us by SWANCC. We thought posting it here would be helpful for all who want to see it.         

Did you know that plastic does NOT bio-degrade? It photo-degrades, meaning that it only breaks down into smaller pieces and never goes away. It's a daily challenge to live life with less plastic. I try so hard every day to see where I can cut plastic out of my life, but sometimes it's so difficult! Here's an interesting vid that will get you thinking the next time you reach for a plastic water bottle.

In fact, this whole website is worth a stroll....

Hope you have a fantastic week!
Ecologically yours,
Jamie Hasemeier + Amy Bartucci